When we were worshipping last saturday, i saw a woman wrapped in grave clothes sit up and come out of the tomb, like lazarus. God said to me i am bringing my bride out of sorrow and out of slumber. it is time for her to put off her grave clothes, it is time for her to awaken to who she is.
next god took me to ruth and boaz. i saw ruth gleaning, i saw her not missing one grain. i saw the big harvesters come in and take all the wealth,
they were overlooking ruth, they were focused on what they could take and volume. ruth however was quietly following them, every grain was precious to her, every grain would be ground and chewed, nothing wasted.
god said to me it is a ruth season, while some have been like the big harvesters, ruth has been feeding on my word, every word, every 'grain' has fed her, nothing has been wasted. she has been overlooked by some but not by me.
gleaning is not always easy, it is back breaking work, it requires persistence.
there have been some who have been gleaning for a long time, we see that ruth stayed in the one field, she allowed the lord to place her in that field, and she did not go into another field, and even though the boaz's protection was upon her she still had to glean. ruth 2:8-9.
next i saw her laying down at the feet of boaz in the night, risking everything on the chance he would want her and cover her with his mantle. taking the risk, that i boaz, the lord, am truly faithful, that i will not reject her, but i will find the offering of her entire self acceptable. she unzips her heart and gives her will completely to me,
the lieing down at boaz's feet represents, her willingness and desire to be obedient and faithful to her lord. for my ruth, her willingness to accept my authority. it is her saying, i cannot do this myself, i need your protection, i need your mantle, i need you to redeem me. i am helpless without you. there is no pride in this act.
the lord said to me, for some in this season everything has appeared to be against them and nothing changing, they are risking everything on my promises. by this act they are giving people the opportunity to call them fools. they are refusing to compromise no matter what it looks like. they are losing their jobs, their children, their lives. they are unashamedly laying at my feed.
the ruth's have been waiting, they know there has been a mantle on them. they are not running around bragging, they are patiently waiting. there are some who have been sitting in churches overlooked. in places, where other's might have given up and gone back to the world 'moab' others have been interceding quietly and feeding weaker ones around them, they have been faithful to what god has told them to do.
but the lord says the wedding night is here the night of my revealing, i saw ruth dancing in a red gown which represents the blood of jesus. i saw her laughing and delighting in her redeemer, as she is presented as his chosen one as his bride.
now is the time of revealing, a time of stepping into the authority the lord has for his bride, but it is also a time of the wedding night of the union. we are entering a season where the ruth's will have a greater intimacy with their king.
ruth 3:8-13, sometimes people can be chasing the "new fresh thing" the younger easier path, but god wants us to consider the ancient paths, the word of god must not be replaced by political correctness, we cannot overlook the importance of reading the bible for ourselves.
we will begin to see the hidden ones being revealed the ones who have been obedient, and didn't chose another field. the ones who have been in the word, gleaning for themselves, not waiting for someone to deliver the bag of grain to their doorstep.
the lord had me decree and declare, it is a ruth and boaz season for australia.
it is a time of greater intimacy for ruth and boaz. but a warning, our agenda's need to be laid down at boaz's feet, we are on the wedding eve, the lord's return is closer than we think.